Early 90's | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001–2016
Albert Belle Quotes
Early 90's"While in the clinic, I discovered I had problems with concentration, motivation, attitude, and temper. I have found a new way of life through the clinic's program and a 12-step recovery plan"
- USA Today...August 22, 1990, Reading from a statement

- Sports Illustrated...June 24, 1991
"RBIs win games; and they can make you a ton of money."
- September 1993
"If I had to do it again, from Day One of childhood, I wouldn't change a thing."
- The Sporting News July 4, 1994
"It's going to be tough. I'm not really considered a media darling."
- USA Today...October 2, 1995, describing his chances of winning AL MVP
"I feel like myself and the city of Cleveland are in the same boat. We're made for each other. A few years ago, everybody had bad thoughts on Albert Belle. I feel that has changed."
- USA Today...October 2, 1995, Talking about crowds greeting him w/standing ovations before every at-bat
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"As soon as he closes the door, we hear a bombardment of egg shells on my door. So I come outside and chase them. As soon as I caught up with him, I slammed on the breaks and was jumping out of the car and was going to run after him. It was raining and it was kind of mucky back there. The truck kind of skidded , or whatever, and it slid and bumped him. He fell down and as soon as he fell down, he jumped back up and started running. I feel like I was targeted. It's a shame where people target athletes. If they would have done the same thing to my next door neighbor and had my neighbor chased them, they wouldn't have filed a report. I made a decision five years ago to live in a community and be involved in the community, and I never expected people to harass me."
- Associated Press...January 14, 1996, Talking about the Halloween incident
"I am concerned there is a lot of negative publicity about Albert Belle, and a lot of positive things I do haven't been brought to the surface. Maybe it's my fault for not being accessible to the media. So I guess I'm going to work on changing my image."
- The Sporting News...February 26, 1996
"Look at Dennis Rodman. He was a bad guy until Michael Jordan said he was OK Now everybody says he's OK"
- The Sporting News...February 26, 1996
"It has its advantages. People stay away from you. I have a tendency to keep people at a distance. That's my personality. Only a few people are really friends. A lot of time I really don't trust people. Because of what happened in the past, I don't trust a lot of people. I keep my guard up"
- The Sporting News...February 26, 1996, on his 'bad boy' image
"That's one situation you don't want to get caught up in. I've never been an egomaniac type person. This is a situation where I want to be paid my fair market value."
- Knight Ridder/Tribune News Service...February 21, 1996
"It was controversial because everyone just wants to dwell on my negatives. You'd have thought I was an ax murderer."
- Newsweek...March 25, 1996, About the Hannah Storm incident
"The Indians wanted me to issue a statement of regret when the fine was announced. But I told them to take it out. I apologize for nothing."
- Newsweek...March 25, 1996, About the Hannah Storm incident

- USA Today...November 20, 1996
"What we should have done is kept the same team that played in the '95 World Series. Those trades caused a lot of chaos in the organization. I didn't feel like we were moving in the right direction."
- USA Today...November 20, 1996, About the trades of Eddie Murray and Carlos Baerga
"I said, 'How about five years, $45 million?' But they felt like that was asking for too much. I just told them I thought they were making a big mistake."
- USA Today...November 20, 1996, About contract negotiations with the Indians
"Back in 1987 when they drafted me (in the second round), the Indians were the only team interested in taking a chance on Albert Belle, and I made the most of it. Hopefully, they got as much from me as I got from them."
- USA Today...November 20, 1996
"Going to a new team is like going to a new high school. Nobody knows you. It's a chance to rebuild your image."
- USA Today...November 20, 1996
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"When you talk about locker room betting, we bet on everything....It's no different than anyone else's office pool. Money changes hands in the locker room; it's whatever you want."
- The Sporting News...February 24, 1997, Talking about rumors that he bet on baseball
"The Indians didn't help me in dealing with the media. I think they wanted to keep my market value down. I'm moody. I know that. I've made some mistakes. But if I was a bad person, would someone want to pay me $55 million, would I have a scholarship fund my mother runs that pays for kids to go to school?"
- March 1997

- Sport...May 1997
"I know the Chicago media will write a lot of bad things, but they'll write a lot of good things too. I can live with that. In Cleveland, all I got was negative press."
- Sport...May 1997
"Wins. That's what's important to me. If you're talking about personal stuff, it's definitely RBIs. The most impressive statistic to me is having an RBI per game. Jeff Bagwell did that. I almost did it the same year, and last year I was only 10 off the mark. I know Hank Greenberg once had 100 RBI at the All-Star break in the 1930s. When I found out about that, it was like : "Whoa, 100 RBI at the break! You gotta be kiddin' me!" That's what I'd like to do. Hitting for a high average is nice. so is hitting a ton of homers. But driving in a run a game is awesome. My overall goal, though, is to be as consistent as possible, to play 150 to 160 games a year, get 600 at-bats, hit .300, hit 30 to 40 homers and drive in 130 runs."
- Sport...May 1997, When asked about what's more important to him: home runs, RBI, runs, or batting average
"As I look back over my career, I certainly have made some mistakes. But what has made me a stronger person is the fact that I have learned from those mistakes. I am committed to making sure that nothing interferes with my new team, my teammates or interferes with me having the best possible season." - Ebony...May 1997
"There are certain things I like to go a certain way, specifically before a ball game. I go through a pre-game routine, and I don't like to be tampered with [by media members]. The Indians' public relations department didn't do anything to protect that situation, and that's why some not so good things happened, and I looked like the bad guy." - Ebony...May 1997
"Before games, I was constantly being approached about interviews, and I stressed to the Indians' management that if they [media] weren't going to respect what I do before the game, then I wasn't going to respect them after the game. I later found out that the administration wasn't doing its part to make the media aware that I wouldn't be available before a game." - Ebony...May 1997
"You can't take away what I did on the field; you might not acknowledge it, but you can't take it away. If I didn't get someone's vote for MVP because I didn't give them an interview, then I didn't want their vote." - Ebony...May 1997, on achieving 2nd place in the 1995 MVP voting
"I realize that there are many people who have stuck with me through thick and thin, and for that, I'm thankful. I know that without their prayers and my spiritual beliefs I would not have been able to reach this level of success." - Ebony...May 1997
"I have high expectations for myself. I'm not out there playing the game just to be playing it...I want to win a championship."
- ESPN's Show "Up Close"...May 8, 1997
"It's expected they're going to show their ignorance. They've been in that situation before, when Art Modell moved his team to Baltimore. They were ignorant about that. They're ignorant about me leaving and going to Chicago. It's typical."
- Scripps Howard News Service...June 17, 1997, On the Cleveland Fans
"I'd rather just sit and shoot the breeze with the guys. I'll save myself the hassle. Then I don't have to deal with the village idiots for a few innings."
- July 8,1997, On the Cleveland fans at the 97 All Star Game
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"If Hargrove was his own man, I would have been picked. He is another person who doesn't appreciate what I did for him."
- Sports Illustrated...July 27, 1998, Talking about his 1998 All-Star snub
"People want me to do things, be a certain way and that's not going to happen. I'm going to be Albert Belle."
- Associated Press...September 26, 1998
"I do 99 things great, then one incident happens and everybody blows it out of proportion."
- Associated Press September 26, 1998
"How many (broken-up double plays) have happened since then? They didn't get suspended. Nobody says a word. They congratulate the guy for breaking up the double play."
- Associated Press...September 26, 1998, Talking about criticism of the Vina incident
"People don't need to know what Albert Belle is thinking. I've learned from my mistakes in the past, and that's what's made me a better person."
- Associated Press...September 26, 1998

- Associated Press...September 26, 1998, Talking about golf
"Moral values have been thrown out the window. Christianity is out the window. And that's wrong. Parents should be at home, teaching kids right from wrong, making sure they get a great education so they can be a success in life."
- Associated Press...September 26, 1998, Talking about how parents shouldn't expect baseball players to raise kids
"I think a lot of people are aware of the things I do. . .but maybe because of who I am, they don't want to report the good things about Albert Belle."
- Baseball Weekly...December 23, 1998
"There were a lot of times in the Cleveland and Chicago organizations when I did something, they wanted to make sure the camera was there. I really didn't want that. This isn't something my parents told me to do. Or something my family told me to do. Or do things for publicity. I do this on my own. I do this from my heart."
- Baseball Weekly...December 23, 1998
"I feel education is more important even now for the younger generation, than when I was younger. The kids really need to buckle down and get a good education. That's why it's so important to have computer programs and good tutoring programs, so they can have fun in school. It also keeps them out of trouble."
- Baseball Weekly...December 23, 1998
"That's one record I've never thought about. That's one streak I don't think he has to worry about anybody breaking. I'm pretty sure I'll play until we clinch or if I'd get suspended. Those are the only two reasons not to play."
- 1998, On Cal Ripken's streak
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"I would rather have come to Baltimore than the Yankees. You look at their situation, they're the kingpin and you want to be that underdog that knocks them off the top. That's pretty much the situation I've been in my whole career. It just makes for a better season when you knock the big guys off the top."
- February 22, 1999, On why he chose to sign with the Orioles instead of the Yankees
"I was surprised when Cal ended the streak last year. It was fun while it lasted. I remember the excitement of seeing him break the record a few years ago when I was in Chicago."
- February 25, 1999, On Cal Ripken Jr.

- February 25, 1999, Albert on Ripken's Streak
"I've been treated there just like everywhere else: you got everyone booing for you. I take that as a compliment."
- Sports Illustrated...March 8, 1999, Albert talking about playing at Camden Yards in Baltimore
"I've said all along that I'll put forth the effort to work with the media. Spring training is a lot easier to talk to everyone. Once the season starts, I won't be accessible every day, but I've become more and more accessible every year compared to the past, when I just cut everybody off. It's been a gradual improvement and we'll just go from there."
- March 8, 1999
"I'm done with you guys."
- March 16, 1999, Albert to the media (Note: Albert intended this statement for the Baltimore media, he talked to Chicago reporters later in the season)
"If I waived my no trade clause I'd get up here and tell you. The trade rumors are false. I'm not going anywhere."
-July 25, 1999
"I'm not going to get a hit every time in clutch situations, but over the course of the season I'll get a lot of clutch hits. I'm disappointed it's come to a time when they boo me, And then to turn around and have the nerve to cheer for you, that's the way baseball goes."
- July 25, 1999, About the booing & cheering of Oriole fans
"That's why I put the sign up in my locker - 4 1/2 more years. I Know it's hard for some of you reporters to comprehend that and read between the lines, but I tried to do it pretty simple."
- July 25, 1999
"I'm pretty much right on schedule. Start off slow, finish up strong. I don't know why everyone panics. I've been doing this for 10 years now. Why change?"
- July 25, 1999, On his usual second 1/2 heat up
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"I look back over my career and I almost pissed it away. I got a second chance and I've made the most of my opportunity. I play every game like it's the last game of my career."
- USA Today...February 25, 2000
"A lot of people don't remember that Hargrove was my first manager in professional baseball. We go way back to 1987 in Kinston, N.C., in the Carolina League. We were together for a while until I left Cleveland."
- USA Today...February 25, 2000
"The way I figure is we win as a team and we lose as a team, but I've got to figure out some way where I can have a better April and help the team get off to a better start. I normally heat up when it gets warm, but it would be nice to come out of April and everybody is chasing you."
- USA Today...February 25, 2000
"I'm the kind of person that as long as you respect me and don't distract me before the game, then I'll respect you in return and accommodate you after the game. Sometimes the situation dictates that I talk, but everybody should understand I'm not going to talk every day, whether we're in first place or last place."
- USA Today...February 25, 2000
"People tried to test me and I came up with some pretty good throws. Everybody on the team calls me 'Bazooka' now. That's kind of like a nickname I gave myself."
- USA Today...February 25, 2000, on his 17 outfield assists in 1999
"I mean, people think I'm too intense for baseball. I've always excelled to be the best, no matter what, but it's like people think something is wrong with that."
- Baseball Weekly...March 8, 2000, on playing baseball instead of golf

- Baseball Weekly...March 8, 2000, on the Orioles
"In baseball, I don't fraternize with players when it's time to hit. I'm preparing for the game. It's the most important time of the day. And I know if I don't hit, I won't have a job in the big leagues. That's why I tend to get very upset when people try to talk to me."
- Baseball Weekly...March 8, 2000, on talking before games
"I notice a lot of hitters fraternize with pitchers. I see guys laughing and giggling before the game. These are the same pitchers who are trying to beat them. . . . I've never seen Roger Clemens talking to hitters before the game. Bob Gibson was the same way. Man, I don't even see Maddux playing golf with hitters."
- Baseball Weekly...March 8, 2000
"The reason I left Cleveland is because I didn't have fun anymore. We had a great team in '95, and I thought we had a chance for a dynasty, but we fooled with the chemistry, and it blew up."
- Baseball Weekly...March 8, 2000
"Now, look what's happened to them. They fire Mike Hargrove. That's John Hart for you. That's the way he has always been. He won't blame himself. He just points fingers at everyone else. He's never pulled the trigger on a big trade, and probably never will. I mean, you look at that team. They've been looking for a front-line starter since I was there. And now they sign a 37-year-old pitcher (Chuck Finley). That's why it would be a miracle if Manny (Ramirez) signs there. John Hart won't put forth the effort."
- Baseball Weekly...March 8, 2000, on his former GM John Hart (Cleveland Indians)
"There were so many Cuban-Americans upset that we were going to Cuba and I was curious to see why they were so angry, and anti-Castro. I found out as soon as we got there. The people were treated terrible. The conditions were terrible. I can see why people risk their lives and limbs to get out. (Fidel Castro) lives like a king and won't help anybody, and has everybody scared to death. Nobody lives a normal life. It was still a good experience, but I thought we should just play that one game."
- Baseball Weekly...March 8, 2000, on the O's playing the Cuban national team in Cuba
"That was a disaster. We never should have played. That's why I was so upset. One game is fine. It was fun. You got all your questions answered. But the second game was mentally draining. So that's why I just stood at the plate. I didn't want to be there. It was cold and rainy. The field was wet. I thought to myself, 'Great, just how I want to spend my off-day.' "
- Baseball Weekly...March 8, 2000, on the O's playing the Cuban national team in the US
"I hit much better when it's warmer. And Comiskey (Park) played a lot smaller in '98 than in '97. The ball carried a lot better. But in Baltimore, we had that cold and the wind blowing in. And I was getting pitched around a lot, too. That's why Ripken and Baines had such good years. The thing that would help is if they did something about that backdrop. They need to paint it darker. It's tough to see some of those pitches. I might mention something."
- Baseball Weekly...March 8, 2000, on how he had better numbers his second year in Chicago
"I have never received prestigious accolades, been acclaimed as a hard worker, winner, or team player, and have received unwarranted treatment that only Jackie Robinson, Curt Flood, and Hank Aaron could have experienced."
- The Baltimore Sun. . .October 1, 2000
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"Baseball has been good, and I've been blessed. . .Even before this, I've always appreciated everything. I tried to play every game like it was my last. I hope I still have some games left, but if not, I've had a pretty good career."
- USA Today...March 6, 2001
"I think everybody knows that when I'm healthy, I go out there and play hard. I've played in pain and I know my threshold of pain. But when your leg gets numb, you can't do anything."
- USA Today...March 6, 2001
"Some are surprised I'm still out there. . .There's a noticeable limp in everything I do. They're surprised I've come back. Hopefully, I can be full of surprises. But to get anywhere near where I need to be, I need a miracle. I'm going to give it all I've got until the last possible day."
- USA Today...March 6, 2001

- The Kenny Roda Show...July 19, 2001
"(Getting in) is not going to make or break me. . .What I set for my goal in life when I started professional baseball was to take care of my family. Once I did that, it was to win a championship."
- The Arizona Republic...February 25, 2005, on his appearance on the Hall of Fame ballot
"I was too scared to take (steroids). . .I was into fitness and concerned about side effects and how it would affect me later in life."
- The Arizona Republic...February 25, 2005, on steriods
"I never used a corked bat. . .And if I took it to court I'd win that case."
- The Arizona Republic...February 25, 2005, on the corked bat issue
"I guess what a lot of people don't realize is that when you put that uniform on, it's a different world. . .A lot of people take advantage of you. From a personal and business standpoint, it's a dog-eat-dog world, and I wasn't afraid to tell people 'no.' "
- The Arizona Republic...February 25, 2005, on being a victim of his celebrity
"Looking back at it, I wish I used the media more to my advantage. I was never concerned about the endorsement dollar, but it did affect my relationship with fans."
- The Arizona Republic...February 25, 2005, on his relationship with the media
"It's a great honor to be inducted and to be recognized for the achievements I've made and representing the state of Louisiana. I was kind of surprised that it came about. It's a great accomplishment."
- The Lafayette Daily Advertiser...June 17, 2005, on his induction into the LA Sports Hall of Fame
"Probably when I played Little League, when I was playing in Bossier City. I think my first year, when I was 11, we went 14-2 and the next year we went 16-0. I kind of knew then, deep down I really wanted to play baseball. But it's kind of a dream back then and you didn't really think it was actually going to happen."
- The Lafayette Daily Advertiser...June 17, 2005, on when he knew he wanted to play baseball
"When you have a chance to work with some great players around you and a great organization, you have a chance to do great things. I was fortunate enough to have some great players around me and I was able to put up some pretty big numbers. You really didn't focus on the individual things."
- The Lafayette Daily Advertiser...June 17, 2005
"I don't think people realize that being a professional athlete, you're constantly bombarded at all angles. You really have to be protective of yourself because there are a lot of people who will take advantage of you. I was very guarded and very protective of myself. It's unfortunate you have to be like that, because there are people out there who will take advantage of you. It's just the way our society has come. There's a lot of athletes, including myself, who have done some great things for the communities around America but they just haven't gotten recognized because maybe something negative happened that overshadowed it. You can do 99 great things and if you do one bad thing, the one bad thing outweighs the other 99."
- The Lafayette Daily Advertiser...June 17, 2005
"When I left Chicago to go to Baltimore, it was a culture shock. I thought I was a perfect fit for Chicago and, now that I look back at it, I wish I had stayed in Chicago to see if we could put together a championship team."
- The Chicago Tribune...June 23, 2005
"Bertman was a great coach, who taught us fundamentals, fundamentals and more fundamentals"
- The Alexandria Town Talk...June 24, 2005, on his coach at LSU
"Even Jesus Christ got angry at times, and He was perfect. Try as I might, I'm not perfect. I have to work on my shortcomings."
- The Times-Picayune...June 25, 2005
"I was a player. I had to concentrate on what I was being paid to do, improving my skills, with little time for chitchat with sports writers. I don't think people realize that being a professional athlete, you're constantly bombarded at all angles. You really have to be protective of yourself because there are a lot of people who will take advantage of you. I was very guarded and very protective of myself."
- The Times-Picayune...June 25, 2005
"I'll always be a baseball player at heart because I loved the sacrifice fly and the stolen base just as much as I loved the homers and the RBIs."
- Lafayette Daily Advertiser...June 26, 2005
"It's great to be recognized now that my career is over for the the individual stats you put up. You have to realize that I had some great players around me that pushed me to become better. We all pushed each other to play better and we were all successful. . . It's kind of fun to enjoy the individual accomplishments, but it's truly a team spot. I'm just happy I had a chance to play with some great guys."
- Cleveland.com...July 21, 2016
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